Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What are the advantages of the new Boundary Plus System?

First of all, Boundary Plus is the newest Invisible Fence System to be offered by your local dealer. Boundary Plus utilizes patented technology to provide the greatest protection for your pets. The key advantages are as follows: 1. More Space for your pet - your pet can utilize the whole yard. You do not lose the 3-4 ft near the fence that you would with the old technology. 2. Timed Correction - the new system provides your pet with a timed correction (typically 10-20 seconds). This is a great improvement over the old technology that only provided a correction for a distance of 6-12 ft. 3. Free Pass back in to your yard - the new technology shuts off the correction when your pet comes back in to the yard. This greatly improves the quality and time needed to train your pet to the Invisible Fence. With the old technology, some pets would run through the fence and then be afraid to re-enter your yard because they would be corrected coming back in to the yard. If you would like more information, please contact us or your local dealer. We accept trade-ins of any competitive equipment.


  1. Clearly, it appears sharp than the previous picture.

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  2. Invisible Fence has the most thorough training program. The Perfect Start Training Program takes about 7 days to complete. It ensures that your pet learns at a comfortable pace.

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  3. That's our update for this week. We don't have anything big planned for the immediate future...but that can always change, lol. I hope all of you enjoyed our update. I will write again when we do something big.
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  4. partition wall position is determine in the floor plan by having dimensions indicated in the x and y axis, let say for an example - 2 meters from Gridline A, and 1 meter from Gridline 2
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